Innovative products for oceanographic and ROV applications:
SeaView Systems manufactures a large range of marine technology products for ROVs, AUVs/ASVs, and buoys. From the industry-leading SVS-603 wave sensor to fiber optic multiplexers, media converters, power controllers and many more hard to find components, we have your needs covered. We also offer the Blue Robotics BlueROV2 either as a kit or a completely assembled and tested vehicle, along with significant upgrades such as SeaView’s CinemaCam, fiber optic capabilities, and more!

Services and Design
Specialty equipment development, underwater technology and ROV services:
SeaView is a market leader in the development of custom underwater tooling systems for the inshore market. Complementing our systems development capacity is our general ROV and tunnel and pipeline inspection capability plus our sophisticated data analysis tools and consulting services. Whatever your requirements, SeaView has a well-developed, cost effective service method to meet your need.
SeaView Overview Video
SeaView Systems provides a broad range of ROV “Solutions in Depth” from services including inspection and survey for tunnels and offshore assets to underwater custom tooling in the U.S. and worldwide. SeaView designs, builds, and deploys custom ROVs that go places others cannot. Our sophisticated software tools and consulting services
Watch the video to find out more or contact us to learn how SeaView’s team can provide a solution for you!
ROV Planet Features NOAA/Navy USV With SVS-603 Wave Sensor
An article in the latest issue of ROV Planet magazine highlights the use of SeaView Systems’ acclaimed SVS-603 wave sensor by a joint venture between NOAA and the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command in [...]
PA Fire Dept Acquires ‘Guardian Angel’ BlueROV2 From SeaView
SeaView Systems assembled and customized a BlueROV2 outfitted with sonar and a manipulating arm for the Crescent Township Fire Department to aid in their underwater search and recovery operations. Employing an ROV has many [...]
SeaView’s ReefSweeper Featured in Sea Technology Magazine
SeaView and partner Atlantic Lionshare's custom ReefSweeper ROV successfully hunts invasive lionfish in Caribbean and Atlantic waters (see earlier post here). The ReefSweeper was highlighted in the September 2020 issue of Sea Technology. Read [...]