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Browse our archive of all SeaView Systems articles and press releases relating to our Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) services and contact us today for solutions to all your subsea investigation, intervention, or remediation needs.

SeaView Provides Power Boost to BlueROV2 and other ROVs

More is more with SeaView Systems' SVS-708-400 and SVS-709-400 surface and subsea power supplies for observation class ROVs such as the BlueROV2 - more power for thrusters, additional sensors or tooling equipment and longer tethers. The latest in high power solid state electronic components [...]

By |2024-08-01T15:20:17-04:00December 8th, 2023|ROVs|0 Comments

SeaView Power Supplies Power Up Falcon and other ROVs

The SVS-708-800 Surface Power Supply and SVS-709-800 SubSea Power Supply bring smart power management capabilities that extend the available power and umbilical power transmission capabilities for Inspection Class ROVs such as the Saab Seaeye Falcon, Observation Class vehicles such as the Blue Robotics BlueROV2 [...]

By |2024-08-01T15:21:49-04:00March 24th, 2023|Press Release, Products, ROVs, SeaView Systems|0 Comments
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Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Capabilities Augmented by SeaView ROV

A fine September evening brought members from the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department and Geoff Cook from SeaView Systems to a local quarry for training on the Department's newly launched BlueROV2 underwater search and rescue vehicle.  The hands-on training lasted several hours with ten of [...]

By |2022-09-28T14:31:35-04:00September 28th, 2022|ROVs, SeaView Systems|0 Comments

Customized ROV Enables Effective Tunnel Inspections

SeaView Systems’ unique customization services were enlisted to enhance a BlueROV2 with specialized equipment to perform inspections of critical internal surfaces of numerous storm sewers.  This type of inspection is valuable to municipalities because it not only reveals the condition of the tunnel (structural [...]

By |2022-06-28T16:54:24-04:00June 23rd, 2022|ROVs, SeaView Systems|0 Comments

Advancing Ocean Monitoring with Autonomous Vehicles

As uncrewed vehicles continue to gain capabilities, they are increasingly being used for applications that might previously have been accomplished with manned vehicles or buoy networks. One of the leaders in pushing forward these new applications is MARTAC, an innovative provider of Unmanned Surface [...]

By |2022-07-22T11:26:29-04:00April 20th, 2022|Products, SeaView Systems, Wave Sensor|0 Comments

Ocean Research Benefits from SVS-603HR

SeaView's SVS-603HR wave sensor was spotlighted by IMU manufacturer Xsens in a feature article. The SVS-603HR wave sensor utilizes the Xsens MTi-3 motion sensor for the crucial inputs needed to calculate the myriad wave statistics offered by the wave sensor. The SVS-603HR is the latest [...]

By |2022-10-13T16:48:51-04:00February 18th, 2022|Products, SeaView Systems, Wave Sensor|0 Comments

ROV Planet Features NOAA/Navy USV With SVS-603 Wave Sensor

An article in the latest issue of ROV Planet magazine highlights the use of SeaView Systems’ acclaimed SVS-603 wave sensor by a joint venture between NOAA and the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command in their MANTAS unmanned surface vehicle (USV) to conduct comprehensive environmental [...]

By |2022-10-14T16:31:21-04:00December 14th, 2020|Products, Wave Sensor|0 Comments

PA Fire Dept Acquires ‘Guardian Angel’ BlueROV2 From SeaView

SeaView Systems assembled and customized a BlueROV2 outfitted with sonar and a manipulating arm for the Crescent Township Fire Department to aid in their underwater search and recovery operations. Employing an ROV has many advantages over the traditional use of divers, including longer run-time, [...]

By |2022-10-14T16:28:19-04:00October 23rd, 2020|Products, ROVs, SeaView Systems|0 Comments

SeaView’s ReefSweeper Featured in Sea Technology Magazine

SeaView and partner Atlantic Lionshare's custom ReefSweeper ROV successfully hunts invasive lionfish in Caribbean and Atlantic waters (see earlier post here). The ReefSweeper was highlighted in the September 2020 issue of Sea Technology.  Read the Sea Technology article here.

By |2022-10-18T17:14:29-04:00September 21st, 2020|ROVs, SeaView Systems, Tooling Development|0 Comments

SeaView Services Touted in Tunnel Business Magazine

A feature article in Tunnel Business Magazine by Brian Lakin of McMillen Jacobs Associates, with whom SeaView has collaborated in the past, highlights SeaView’s extensive experience in custom vehicle design as well as our general ROV expertise. Whether your service needs include tunnel inspections, [...]

By |2022-10-18T17:09:49-04:00September 3rd, 2020|ROVs, SeaView Systems, Tooling Development|0 Comments
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