An article in the latest issue of ROV Planet magazine highlights the use of SeaView Systems’ acclaimed SVS-603 wave sensor by a joint venture between NOAA and the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command in their MANTAS unmanned surface vehicle (USV) to conduct comprehensive environmental monitoring in the Gulf of Mexico. The SVS-603’s groundbreaking advanced algorithm capability enabled the project in its mission to collect accurate ocean data in an effort to find sustainable solutions for protecting the world’s most precious asset.
This project takes advantage of the SVS-603’s many capabilities working in support of autonomous surface & submersible vehicles. These unmanned vehicles are increasingly crucial in marine applications across the board, having the significant advantage of avoiding putting personnel at risk in dangerous environments as well as providing remarkable flexibility and long term cost advantages over traditional moored buoy deployment. SeaView Systems continues to focus on enhancing the abilities of these vehicles to collect the most accurate ocean wave data possible.
Read the complete article here.
Find out more about the SVS-603 here.